About this Waananga
Level 1 Waananga is about establishing a solid foundation in order to safely enter the tapu realms of healing. It will provide you with tools to understand, navigate and stimulate your own spiritual growth and awareness, not only within the mahi of romiromi/mirimiri, but also within your everyday life.
The philosophies are taught in both reo Māori and English and this waananga will cover:
Dynamics of karakia, takutaku and kaupare
Awareness and importance of self-reflection and healing
A basic romiromi (bodywork) alignment
After attending this Waananga you will have the opportunity to continue to build your skills and confidence through ongoing weekly training in our Community Clinic held on Wednesday evenings.
We provide an open and safe environment for self-healing, realisations, empowerment and clarity. Our workshops are open to everybody and the only requirement is that students come with a willingness to learn, an open mind and an open heart.
Our mission is to carry on Papa Hohepa Delamere’s teachings and work, through waananga/workshops, not only here in Aotearoa, but also worldwide.
Time & Location
When: Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October, 2024
Time: Starting at 10am & finishing at approximately 5pm-6pm daily
Where: Te Ara Teatea Whare Hauora
The Boardwalk, The Tannery. Shop 59/3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch
We have a shared lunch each day, so please bring health conscious kai to share on both days.
$450 per person with $100 deposit upon registration. As always, payment plans, payment via credit card and cash payments are available.