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We are involved in a number of different kaupapa

Here is some of the mahi we have been doing in the community. We would like to thank those people and organisations who share are vision to ensure Rongoaa Māori and this Mātauranga is accessible for all.

Community Clinic

Aroha mai, Aroha Atu

Our community clinic is open weekly Wednesday nights 6-8pm. Whanau can come down and receive a treatment in exchange for a koha of any kind.

We believe in this reciprocity of our training kaimahi time to build and practice thier skills and our community remembers connecting to recieve a treatment or korero. 

Te Putahitanga o te Waipounamu

We are greatful for the support of Whanau Ora and Tai Neke, Tai Ora supporting our kaupapa to help whānau understand the importance of nurturing all aspects of their hauora, while building a stronger connection to te ao Māori.

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